1. Enterprise structure
Q: Which is the most important mandatory assignment/s relating to sales office in Enterprise structure?
A: Assignment of Sales office to Sales area
Q: Which organizational element is central in shipping?
A: Shipping point is main organizational element in shipping.
Q: Which are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO?
SD – Sales Organization
MM – Plant
PP – Plant
FI – Company Code
CO – Controlling Area
Q: Is Sales group definition mandatory?
A: false
Q: How many shipping points can you assign to a plant?
A: Relation is Many to One.
Q: A credit control area can include …..(fill in the blank)
A: One or many Company codes.
Q: Explain the relationship among sales organizations, plants and company codes in enterprise structure assignments.
A: Many to Many to One. i.e. many sales organizations can be assigned to many plants and vice versa, however one sales organization can be assigned to only one company code and similar for a plant.
Q: If you have 3 Sales Organizations, 2 Distribution Channels and 2 Divisions, what is (A) - The maximum number of sales areas? (B) - The minimum number of sales areas?
(A) – Twelve
(B) – Three
Q: In Enterprise structure assignments Plant is assigned to….
A: Sales Organization & Distribution Channel.
Q: To which organizational element is the “Division” is assigned?
A: Sales Organization.
Q: Pick the correct statements
(a) One sales organization is assigned to one company code
(b) One plant can have only one shipping point assigned to it
(c) One sales group can be assigned to many sales offices
(d) Sales area is a combination of sales organization and distribution channel
A: (a), (c)
Q: Transportation planning point is assigned to shipping point in the enterprise structure. True / False
A: False. It is planning point for organizing shipments. This is defined under a company code but not linked to shipping point in the enterprise structure.
Q: Departure zone is maintained in the definition of
(a) Plant
(b) Distribution channel
(c) Sales organization
(d) Shipping point
A: (d)
Q: pick the correct statement
(a) Credit control area is assigned to sales area
(b) Item category is assigned to division
(c) Billing type is determined as per delivery type
(d) Plant is assigned to loading point.
A: (a)
2. Master data
Q: What is the purpose of reconciliation account?
A: A customer master record in SD is also an A/R (accounts receivables) in FI. When you create a customer master record you also have to specify the reconciliation account. Account in G/L accounting, to which automatic entries are posted during a business activity. It is generally the case that several sub ledger accounts post to a common reconciliation account.
This ensures that the developments in the sub ledger accounts are accurately reflected in the general ledger (i.e. in line with balance sheet conventions). You can set up a reconciliation account for, say, all overseas customers.
Q: Can you maintain texts for a specific customer and store them in the system? If yes, where?
A: Yes, these can be maintained in Customer master record & also in Customer- Material info records.
Q: What is a product hierarchy and for what can it be used?
A: Alphanumeric character string for grouping materials by combining various characteristics. The product hierarchy is used for evaluation and pricing purposes.
In Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC): Structure consisting of the plant, product group, product, and order. Used for the interactive analysis of the product costs for each level of the hierarchy
Q: If currency of the customer and currency of the pricing condition are different, then what helps to do the currency conversion?
A: Exchange rate type in the customer master – billing data helps to determine exchange rate maintained by FI.
Q: A customer is defined as a one-time customer via the customer's….
A: Account Group control in customizing.
Q: Would you have a different customer number when your customer is served by two different company codes?
A: No, for a customer the General data is common across company codes, so there would be no redundant master data in the organization across company codes.
Q: Is it possible to define different data for the same customer belonging to 2 different Sales Areas?
A: Yes, for a customer it is possible to maintain different data across different sales areas, like Pricing, Shipping information etc.
Q: Can delivery combine items from different orders?
A: Yes, order combination should be made active in the sales area – shipping data of the customer master
Q: Can you limit minimum delivery quantity for a material?
A: Yes, in the sales view of material master. Customer-material record will have precedence.
Q: General item category group in the material master is defaulted as per
a) Material group
b) Item category
c) Material type
d) Product attribute
A: (a)
Q: What is the use of common distribution channel?
A – You can specify one distribution channel as the source of condition or material / customer master data for other distribution channels. You need then only to maintain the data in one place. This reduces cost of creating and maintaining master data
Q: If customer wants company to send invoices on specified dates, how it can be configured?
A – Create calendar based on specific billing days and assign it in the sales area – billing data of the customer.
Q: A customer has more than one ship-to party but one ship-to party is the most common receiving partner. Can we configure to have it as default?
A: Yes, ship-to party, which is common can be set as default in the partner function data of the customer master
Q: Which partner function is unique in customer master?
Sold-to party
Q: Where do you set the loading group?
A: In Material Master, Sales/Plant view.
Q: What does the account group of the customer /vendor control?
A: The account group determines the data that is relevant for the master record and a number range from which numbers are selected for the master records. Each master record must be assigned to an account group.
Q: A material is produced in plant Denver, plant Dallas and in plant Chicago. How many different material master numbers do you need?
A: ‘One’, the same material number would have separate plant specific views to maintain plant specific data, but essentially there would be only one material master record.
Q: Can you assign a material to more than one division?
A: One material can belong to only one division; hence multiple assignments are not possible.
Q: What are the two possible ways of control for the cost of a material in the material master record?
A: Standard Price & Moving Average Price.
Q: Which partner function is relevant when it comes to tax calculation in the sales order?
A: Ship-to Party.
Q: The statistics group for Customer for updating SIS is assigned in….
A: Customer master record in ‘Sales’ views.
3. Sales
Q: Name two types of Pre-sales documents.
A: Inquiry
Q: Name some of the functions controlled by Sales document type.
A: Some of the functions controlled by sales document type in customizing are:
Number Assignment
Availability Check & Transfer of requirements
Default Delivery & Billing type
Q: When can a sales order be deleted from system?
A: A Sales order can only be deleted if there are no subsequent documents created from the sales order.
Q: What data is copied from the customer records when creating a sales document without referring to a preceding document?
A: The following data is determined from customer master records:
Partner data from Sold-to party record
Sales data like Customer pricing procedure, pricing group etc from Sold-to party record
Shipping data like Delivering Plant, delivery priority, shipping conditions from Ship-to party customer record.
Billing data like Terms of Payment, Account assignment group etc from Payer master record.
Q: What is a schedule line category?
A: Schedule line category is an indicator, which allows each schedule line to be controlled differently. Schedule line category influences how functions such as Inventory Management, Materials requirement planning & Availability check are performed for each schedule line.
Q. On the basis of which parameters is the schedule line category in a sales order determined?
A. Item Category of item in sales order and MRP type from material master.
Q: If you reference an inquiry when creating a quotation, would the inquiry be updated?
A: Yes.
Can you copy several previous documents into one sales order?
A: Yes
Q: What three sources provide data for the creation of a sales document?
1. Material Master
2. Customer Master
3. Previous documents used as reference.
Q: Can you change addresses of partners manually in the sales document?
A: Yes, addresses can be changed manually of partners in sales document.
Q: For what would you use the “fast change” function in sales entry?
A: Alternate Plants, Delivery or Billing Blocks
Q: Name the influencing factors for determining the item category in the sales document
A: Sales Document type, Item Category Group, Higher Level Item, Item Usage.
Q: Where are the controls for determining division of material in sales document?
A: In Sales Document type there is a control whether item-division from material master is to be taken or whether header division specified in order entry screen has precedence & how system should behave if they are different.
Q: In case of Rush Orders, if material has to be shipped from different shipping point for the customer and material, which are used in standard cycle, how would it be controlled?
A: For Rush Orders a separate default shipping condition can be defined and in customizing a separate shipping point be maintained with this shipping condition, so this way for the same customer in Standard order there would be one shipping point determined and for Rush Order a second one can be determined.
Q: Can the sales document type be determined by the system?
A: No, it needs to be manually entered by user in system in entry screen.
Q: What is replenishment lead-time?
A: Total time for the in-house production or for the external procurement of a product. For in-house production, the replenishment lead-time is determined to cover all BOM levels.
Q: What is the difference between checking availability with or without replenishment lead time (RLT)?
With RLT: Availability check is done only up to end of RLT. If material is not available the date on which RLT ends, it is displayed as Material Availability Date.
Without RLT: Availability check is unrestricted. Displays Delivery Dates as on which partial deliveries can be made with available stock.
Q: When you carry out availability check, which quantities or movements can the system take into consideration?
A: The following elements can be included in the availability check:
Safety stock,
Stock in transfer,
Stock in quality inspection,
Blocked stock.
Inward and outward movements:
Purchase orders,
Purchase requisitions,
Planned orders,
Production orders,
Dependent reservations,
Dependent requirements,
Sales requirements, and
Delivery requirements.
Q: If you run out of stock in a specific plant, can you check if there are quantities available in other plants during sales order creation?
A: Yes, Availability check option in sales order provides for this requirement to check stock in other plants. This needs to be done manually however.
Q: On sales order, when the system confirms 20 pieces to be available at a certain date, would these 20 pieces still be available for other new sales order coming in later?
A: No, once confirmed for an order the stock cannot be used for other requirements.
Q: Can you link items in a sales order? If yes, when would you do that?
A: Yes, for Promotions etc.
Q: Can you control that an end user cannot copy a quote of customer A to a sales order for customer B? If yes, where?
A: Yes, in Customizing of Copy control ‘Sales Document to Sales Document’ header data.
Q: Where would you specify which data should be copied (at header, item and schedule line level) when you copy from one document to another one?
A: In customizing, Copy control for specific areas.
Q: Give an example of when you would specify that a sales document can only be created referencing another sales document?
A: Returns can only be created referencing sales order.
Q: What is the source of shipping condition in a sales order?
A: Shipping data of the sold-to party if no specific shipping condition is maintained for the sales order type.
Q: A billing due list is used to create credit memo request. True / False
A: False. Billing due list is used to create billing documents. Credit memo request is not a billing document.
Q: What is the sequence system uses in determination of plant in sales order
A: Delivering plant searched as per the sequence
1. Customer-material info-record
2. Customer master (Shipping data)
3. Material Master (Sales views)
Q: Which different factors can be used in the determination of item category?
Sales document type
Item category group
Item usage
Higher level item category
Q: If shipping condition is maintained for sales document type and it is also maintained for customer, then, which takes precedence?
A – Shipping condition from sales document type takes precedence.
Q: Which are the lead times used for transportation scheduling?
A: Transit time and Transportation lead-time from route
Q: Give an example of sales document type which gets billing block after it is created.
A: Credit memo request (CR) gets blocked for billing so that before creating credit memo, amount to be created and the reason can be checked.
Q: Which is the sales document type in which delivery is created immediately after the document is saved?
A: Rush order (RO)
Q: Is reference mandatory for creation of sales document?
A: No, but it can be made mandatory when you want to create orders with reference to some model order made in the system
Q: If reason for rejection is assigned for an item in a sales order, name some of the activities, which can be restricted?
A: Reason for rejection can restrict the following
Printing of the item in outputs
Billing of the item
Q: Which is the standard movement type used for Return order?
A: 651 (GD ret. del. Returns)
Q: Availability check and transfer of requirement should be active for Return order. True / False
A: False, it is not required because Return order is created just to get the material back from the customer.
Q: Name 2 configuration controls in which Availability check can be set.
A: Requirement class (global level) and schedule line category (local level)
Q: If a sales order has 2 items and if one item is fully delivered, what will be the delivery status in the sales order at header and item level?
Delivery status at the header level – partially delivered
Delivery status at the item level –fully delivered for one item and partially delivered for another item
Q: When it is required to justify giving credit to the customer, how it is mapped in SAP?
A: In SAP, order reason is used to give the justification. This can be then put in the incompletion procedure assigned to credit memo request, CR.
Q: During sales order processing, from which 2 records delivery priority can be proposed?
It checks customer-material info-record and then customer master, sales area data for the customer.
Q: Which shipping dates are determined in sales order item?
Goods issue date
Loading date
Material availability date
Transportation planning date
Q: FOB, CIF are types of …….. (Fill in the blank)
A: Inco-terms. FOB (Free on board) and CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)
Q: On what date does the material need to be available to ship to a customer on time?
A: On Material Availability date in sales document.
Q: Where can you set that item can have different business data than Header data in sales order?
A: In Item category detail configuration, field ‘Business data’ can be checked to control separate business data at item level.
Q: The probability on a sales document is calculated by percentages defined in the:
A: Sales Document type & Customer master record.
Q: Do you always have to copy the entire quantities at item level when you reference a previous document?
A: No, partial quantities can be referenced and referencing document can be used for other subsequent document creation for remaining quantity.
Q: Can you manually change the delivering plant in the sales order once it was defaulted from the master data?
A: Yes, provided it is assigned to Sales organization & Distribution channel.
Q: Name several input tools that make order entry faster and give a definition of them?
A: Customer Material Information, Product Proposal, and Referencing Documents.
Q: Why would you use different item and schedule line categories?
A: Item categories are defined to provide additional control functions for the sales documents and thus meet the demands resulting from the different business transactions. The items in a sales document are divided into one or more schedule lines. These schedule lines differ from each other with respect to date and quantity. For some schedule lines, material requirement planning is not carried out; for other schedule lines, it is carried out. Also goods receipt, not goods issue, is posted for a schedule line defined in a returns document.
4. General sales process
Q: Name two partner functions in SD, which need to be maintained in FI as well.
A: Sold-to Party & Payer.
Q: Why do you use incompletion log in sales processing?
A: To have a complete sales document so that it doesn’t affect subsequent sales processing.
Q: What's the advantage of using text as a reference instead of duplicating it?
A: It can be modified in original document and will be available in subsequent documents as well. Also there would be only record for the text and thereby lesser data stored in system.
Q: Can you have different incompletion logs for different item categories or schedule line categories?
A: Yes, incompletion logs can be set-up for Sales Header, Item, Schedule line, Delivery header and item & for Partners.
Q: If the document is incomplete, can it still be saved?
A: Yes, based on customizing settings in status group set for the field, it can be defined whether document can be saved or not.
Q: What two ways of number assignment for documents or master data do you know?
A: Internal & External.
Q: What is a partner type? Give some example?
A: The partner type is an indicator, which informs you of the type of partner, for example, partner type customer "KU".
Q: How can we find the reference document for a billing document?
A: Using document flow
Q: Which is the standard output determination procedure in delivery?
A: V10000
Q: Name some standard text objects
VBBK (Sales Header texts)
KNVV (Customer texts, sales)
KNA1 (Central customer texts)
MVKE (Material text, sales)
Q: Can the requirement of having text related to shipping instructions made mandatory in the sales order?
A: Yes, text type of shipping instructions can be made mandatory in the text procedure assigned to sales order type
Q: Products in a sales order can be substituted without ATP check. True / False
A: Yes, substitution can be with or without ATP check and substitution reason can be configured accordingly.
Q: If no records exist for material listing for sold-to party, then system checks record of which other partner function of the customer?
A: Payer
Q: Which is the output type used for sending mail during credit check in a sales order?
A: KRML is the output type in order output procedure, V10000
Q: Which are standard partner functions in customer master?
Sold-to party
Ship-to party
Bill-to party
5. Pricing
Q: Condition tables in Pricing are used for storing ……. (fill in the blank)
A: Condition record.
Q: Defining Access Sequences is an activity which is ……..(fill in the blank)
A: Cross-Client
Q: Pricing Procedure is a group of ……..(fill in the blank)
A: Condition types.
Q: Can you explain condition technique used in SAP?
A: It is a hierarchy of elements defining a data combination, which leads to certain actions. In pricing the condition technique refers to the method by which the system determines prices from information stored in condition records. In Sales and Distribution, the various elements used in the condition technique are set up and controlled in Customizing. During sales order processing, the system uses the condition technique to determine a variety of important pricing information.
Q: Name four basic elements of condition technique
A: Condition Types, Condition Tables, Access Sequences, Pricing Procedures.
Q: Explain condition table and access sequence and the relationship between them.
A: A condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual condition record. A condition record is how the system stores the specific condition data that you enter in the system as condition records. For example, when you enter the price for a product or a special discount for a good customer, you create individual condition records.
An access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for a particular condition type. It determines the sequence in which the system searches for data. The access sequence consists of one or more accesses. The sequence of the accesses establishes which condition records have priority over others. The accesses tell the system where to look first, second, and so on, until it finds a valid condition record. You specify an access sequence for each condition type for which you create condition records.
Q: What is a condition type? Which are the two main calculation types in condition types?
A: A condition type is a representation in the system of some aspect of your daily pricing activities. For example, you can define a different condition type for each kind of price, discount, or surcharge that occurs in your business transactions.
Fixed Amount & Percentage are two main calculation types used in most condition types.
Q: You can create scales for prices and discounts. Name the four possible scales.
A: Value, Quantity, Gross weight, Net weight, Volume.
Q: What is a group condition?
A: Condition, which can be used to determine a scale, value based on more than one item in a document. The system groups the items using either the condition key for the appropriate condition record or a separately defined condition key.
Q: Where would you specify that a condition type is a discount or a surcharge?
A: In Condition type definition screen.
Q: Name two header condition types
A: HB00 (Discount-value) and HD00 (Freight)
Q: You want to list all condition records for a certain material or a certain sales organization. How would you do that?
A: By usage or creation of Pricing reports.
Q: What is the function of condition exclusion indicator?
A: The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing in sales documents.
Q: Can you explain what a statistical condition is? Give an example for a statistical condition?
A: Statistical condition is used in pricing for reporting purpose; the amount in the condition is not passed on to accounting.
Example of statistical condition type is ‘VPRS – Cost’.
Q: Where can you specify that a condition is mandatory?
A: in Pricing Procedure.
Q: Explain pricing procedure.
A: The primary job of a pricing procedure is to define a group of condition types in a particular sequence. The pricing procedure also determines:
- Sub-totals, which appear during pricing
- To what extent pricing can be influenced manually
- Method the system uses to calculate percentage discounts and surcharges.
- Requirements for a particular condition type, which must be fulfilled before the system takes the condition into account.
Q: Name the influencing factors for pricing procedure determination during sales order entry.
A: Customer Pricing Procedure from Sold-to Party customer master record, Document Pricing Procedure from sales document type and Sales Area.
Q: If you want to make sure that conditions records apply for a certain time period only, how it can be set?
A: Validity Period to be specified in condition record
Q: In pricing, header-level condition type does not have access sequence. True / False
A – True. It does not need access sequence, as condition record is not required for header-level record
Q: A condition record found by an access sequence can always be changed in the sales order pricing. True / False
A: False. It can be changed depending on the settings in the definition of condition type, which allow change of condition in the sales order.
Q: Can you post revenues of different types of materials to different G/L accounts?
A: Yes. You can configure revenue account determination using material account assignment group, which is maintained in the material master
Q: Which is the standard pricing procedure for US with tax jurisdiction code?
Q: Do you have to create a condition record for taxes in the SD application?
A: For determination of tax condition, condition records need to be maintained. Example - condition type ‘UTXJ’.
6. Special processes
Q: When is an invoice sent to the customer in a third party process?
1. When the vendor sends the goods.
2. When customer received goods
3. When company receives invoice from vendor.
A: 3rd option- when company receives invoice from vendor.
Q: In third-party order processing, what controls billing with reference to sales order?
A: Item category definition (TAS) - Billing relevance field has the control
Q: What determines billing type in inter-company billing?
A: Sales order type definition has provision to determine billing type
Q: Name item category used for configuring Free pricing
Q: Which 2 types of check are basic credit checks in automatic credit control
A: Static check and Dynamic check
Q: In inter-company sale scenario, which is the key assignment in enterprise structure of SD?
A: Assignment of supplying plant (of other company code) to ordering sales organization and distribution channel
Q: Which is the condition type provided by SAP for free goods inclusive determination?
A: R100 (100% discount) is the condition type. This is active only in case if free good is active.
Q: Is it possible to give free quantity of material different than the order material?
A: Yes, this is called as Exclusive free goods scenario. Free goods discount record can be set accordingly.
Q: If a condition type is marked as statistical but an A/c key is placed against it in the pricing procedure will the value get posted to A/c.?
A: No.
Q: Tax jurisdiction processing is a close link between which two modules?
A: SD & FI.
Q: Credit control area for credit check in sales order can be determined from the following. Pick the incorrect option.
(a) Sales Area
(b) Company code
(c) Controlling area
(d) Customer master
Controlling area.
The rest can be used as per sequence given below
Sales Area
Customer master
Company code
Q: Item category controls credit check for material. True/ false.
A: True.
7. Delivery and shipping
Q: Name few pre-requisites that have to be fulfilled if you want to create a delivery for the order.
Header Level
There cannot be a delivery block at header level.
The sales document must contain at least one item due for delivery before a delivery can be created for this document.
Item Level and Schedule Line Level
The schedule line must be due for shipping on the specified selection date.
A schedule line becomes due for shipping as soon as the material availability date or the transportation scheduling date is reached.
The schedule line cannot be blocked for delivery.
The delivery quantity must be greater than one.
The data for items in the order must be complete.
If they are incomplete, you must first edit the incompleteness log in the order.
Q: If you create a delivery, would this automatically update the sales order?
A: Yes. The delivery status of the entire order results from the delivery status of the items. Until all items in the order have been fully delivered, the order has the status "Partially delivered". The entire document acquires the status of fully delivered once all the items have been fully delivered.
Q: Can you change the shipping point determined in the sales order manually?
A: Yes, provided manual shipping point is specified in Customizing.
Q: If you have different shipping points in a sales order at item level then what effect it would have on the delivery?
A: Each item will have individual deliveries.
Q: Why would you carry out route determination in the delivery again?
A: To reconfirm the weight and volume of the item and change route based on it.
Q: Why would you carry out availability check in the delivery?
A: The availability check is calculated using planned inward and outward movements of goods. Therefore the delivery situation might have changed in the meantime due to unforeseen circumstances, such as lost output. The availability check in the delivery takes any such changes into account.
Q: When do you initiate packing activity-before or after goods issue? What is the material type for shipping material?
A: Before doing goods issue. VERP is packaging material type in standard system.
Q: Can the delivery quantity and the picking quantity in the delivery document be different?
A: Yes, physically the stock in storage may be different from delivery quantity available in system hence picking quantity can be different.
Q: Do you have schedule lines in the delivery?
A: No, Schedule lines in order result in items in delivery.
Q: Item categories from the sales order are copied into the delivery. What happens if you add a new item in the delivery – how can the system still automatically determine the item category for the delivery? If, yes, what are the settings done.
A: You can only enter an item that is not dependent on an order in a delivery if the delivery permits the item category for that item. The item category is determined on the basis of the delivery type and item category group in the material master record. Thus, items for which an order has to be created first cannot be added to a delivery.
Materials, which can be included in a delivery, depend on your system configuration. In the standard version of the SAP R/3 System, only materials with the item category VERP can be added to a delivery.
Q: To combine items from several orders to one outbound delivery, which of the characteristics must be the same for all items?
A: Delivery due date, Ship-to party and Shipping point
Q: Route can not be re-determined in delivery once it is determined in sales order. True / False
A: False
Q: Can we set delivery block at item level?
A: Yes, It can be set using schedule line category configuration.
Q: Which is the standard delivery type used for delivery to be created without reference to a sales order?
Q: Can packing of a material in delivery be made mandatory?
A: Yes, It can be controlled using item category.
Q: What is the use of storage condition during shipping?
A: Storage condition can be used to determine picking storage location.
Q: Which is the default order type for deliveries without sales order?
Q: How allowed packaging materials for packing a product can be set?
A: Allowed packaging material types are assigned to packaging material group in material master of the finished product.
Q: In route determination in delivery, which additional criterion can be used?
A: Weight group
Q: How proof of delivery is set?
Activate it for the customer in the sales area – shipping data. Set time frame within which if customer does not send POD, then system can mark delivery as confirmed automatically.
Mark delivery item category as POD relevant
Q: Which movement type is used for standard items having a standard outbound delivery in system?
A: 601
Q: When Post Goods receipt is posted for Returns delivery, which stock does the goods move to?
A: ‘Returns’ stock.
Q: What is item category of material you enter directly in delivery w/o reference to sales order?
8. Billing
Q: Name the several billing types existing in the standard system?
F1: Order related Invoice
F2: Delivery related invoice.
F5: Proforma Invoice for Sales Order
F8: Proforma Invoice for Delivery.
Q: Can you delete an invoice?
A: No, You can cancel it provided billing type has been assigned a cancellation billing type in customizing.
Q: Can you cancel a Proforma Invoice?
A: No, Proforma Invoice cannot be cancelled in system.
Q: When you create an invoice in SD, how do you post it to FI?
A: Normally Invoices are automatically released to accounting on saving. If not then following procedure is adopted:
Select Billing document and ‘Release to Accounting’. The system displays a message that the accounting document has been saved. If the billing document contains an error, the reason for not forwarding the document is displayed.
If the release was successful, the posting status in the billing document is set to C (accounting document has been created). You find the posting status by selecting Header details in the billing document.
Q: When you create an invoice, can you carry out pricing again?
A: Yes, in conditions screen, pricing type can be selected for re-determining pricing.
Q: From which documents, can you create a Proforma invoice?
A: Based on sales order or delivery.
Q: Can you transfer a proforma invoice to FI?
A: No, Proforma Billing type does not have a account determination procedure assigned and hence accounts cannot be determined for transfer of data from SD to FI.
Q: Can you combine deliveries into one invoice? When would you do that?
A: Yes. If the header data and header partners for specified delivery or sales order are identical and if requirements for splitting do not apply. Collective billing option is used in this case.
Q: What is an invoice list?
A: Invoice lists let you create, at specified time intervals or on specific dates, a list of billing documents (invoices, credit and debit memos) to send to a particular payer.
The billing documents in the invoice list can be single or collective documents (collective invoices combine items from more than one delivery).
The standard version of the SAP R/3 System includes two types of invoice lists:
- For invoices and debit memos
- For credit memos
If you wish, you can process invoices, debit memos, and credit memos at the same time. The system automatically creates a separate invoice list for credit memos.
Q: Which pre-requisite are necessary to use an invoice list?
- An invoice list type must be assigned to each billing type that you want to process in invoice lists - the standard version of the SAP R/3 System includes two invoice list types: LR for invoices and debit memos, LG for credit memos
- Copying requirements must be defined (for example, the payer, terms of payment, and other fields that must be identical in the documents to be included in the invoice list)
In addition, before you process an invoice list, you must maintain the following master data:
- A customer calendar must be defined, specifying the time intervals or dates on which invoice lists are to be processed
- The customer calendar must be entered in the Billing view of the customer master record of the payer (field: Inv. list schedule)
Q: Name two types of billing plans in the standard R/3 system?
A: Periodic billing, Milestone billing.
Q: What does the billing type control?
The document number
The partner functions allowed at header level
The partner functions allowed at item level
The billing type that can be used to cancel the billing document
The transfer status of the billing document
Transferred to financial accounting
The procedure for account assignment in Financial Accounting
Q: Pro-forma Invoice has an accounting document. True / False
A: True
Q: Can taxes be re-determined in billing document?
A: Yes.
This is set up in the copying control from sales document type to billing type at item level. Pricing type value is selected as “G” – copy pricing elements unchanged and re-determine taxes.
Q: Name two data fields maintained in master data, which can be used in the determination of revenue accounts
Material account assignment group
Customer account assignment group
Q: Which is the invoice cancellation type for invoice F2?
A: S1 is the invoice cancellation type for invoice F2
Q: Explain Milestone billing and Periodic Billing with examples.
A: Periodic Billing: It means billing a total amount for each individual billing date in the plan defined for the defined period. Like in a rental contract with a customer, system would propose schedule of monthly rental payments.
Milestone Billing: It means distributing total amount to be billed over multiple billing dates based on specific milestones defined. This is used for billing projects like Construction or Engineering, which involve milestones marking completion of different stages of work.
Q: Sales office in items of a billing document can be different
True / False
A: True.
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